As the student council, our main goal is to represent the interest of all students in mathematics. This is entailed by a broad range of tasks. To get these done, a lot of students participate. Two of the main tasks are split into the FSV (legislative) and FSR (executive).
The FSR (in German: "Fachschaftsrat") can be seen as the executive part of the students council. The FSR consists of a chairman, a co-chairman, treasurer and six more voluntary referents. Additionally each FAK (i.e. Bachelor, Master, PhD) can be represented by a referent in the FSR. Normally, the responsibilities of these six referents are events, evaluation, public appearance, freshmen events and EDP (freshmen are usually called "Erstis"). Apart from the elected referents, other important tasks are assigned to volunteers. The organisation of events (WaCe, Game Night, Summer Feast...), services (presence hours, exam protocols, bindings for scripts) and up to a set of measure zero everything else described on this homepage. The FSR is an important contact for students and provides help for study related problems or refers to a more suitable contact person. Furthermore, the student council serves as a contact for either student or university administration issues. Every student is welcome to join its weekly meetings, even though it is held in German. During the lecture period these are held weekly on wednesdays at 18:15 in 0.011 (the room right across the student council office) unless there is a meeting of the FSV to be done first. It remains to explain how the official members of the FSR are chosen. This is done by the second main panel FSV (in German: "Fachschaftsvertretung").
Current FSR-Members (acad. year 2023/24)
- Head:
- Louis Kurtzke – fsr-vorsitz (at) fsmath.uni-bonn.de
- Vice Head:
- Lilian Witters – fsr-vorsitz (at) fsmath.uni-bonn.de
- Treasurer:
- Lorenzo Nastase – finanzen (at) fsmath.uni-bonn.de
- Other Members (with their departments):
- Jan Malmström (Events) – veranstaltungen (at) fsmath.uni-bonn.de
- Lennart Zenker (Bachelor Freshmen) – erstsemester (at) fsmath.uni-bonn.de
- Felina Barth (Publicity) – oeff (at) fsmath.uni-bonn.de
- Lysander Mertin ('Lehramt') - lehramt (at) fsmath.uni-bonn.de
- Sophia Piacenza (Equality / Awareness) – gleichstellung (at) fsmath.uni-bonn.de
- Leo Papenhausen (Tech) – technik (at) fsmath.uni-bonn.de
- Tobias Schmid (Master) - master (at) fsmath.uni-bonn.de
The FSV can be seen as the legislative part of the student council or simply as the parliament. Annually in January, the members of the student council of mathematics can be elected by every math student at the university of Bonn. This includes Bachelor, Master and Phd students. The number of seats is determined by the number of overall students enrolled in these study programs a month before the election. At the moment there are fifteen seats. These fifteen students appoint the chairman and the co-chairman of the FSV. On the first meeting, the so-called constitutive meeting, the FSR will be appointed. Main task of the FSV is to set guidelines for the FSR and to keep an eye on the fulfilment of those. Among the FSV's tasks is to set a budget. The budget needs to be determined every year. To be exact, we have always one budget for a summersemester and the following wintersemester, i.e. one financial year lasts from April to March. This budget constraints the expenses the FSR is allowed to make. The FSV also has meetings, but they are not on fixed dates. Usually, they are held before a meeting of the FSR, i.e. on Wednesdays at 18:15 in N0.001 and the meeting of the FSR is postponed. For an effective representation of all students the FSV delegates representatives into certain panels (look here for further information on the panels). If you want to keep up-to-date with the student council's current affairs, you can sign up for its mailing list, so you receive reports of the FSR and FSV, invitations for meetings of the FSV and many other things.
Current FSV-Members (acad. year 2023/24)
- Head:
- Jessica Schega – fsv-vorsitz (at) fsmath.uni-bonn.de
- Vice Head:
- Ludwig Monnerjahn – fsv-vorsitz (at) fsmath.uni-bonn.de
- Other Members:
- Daniel Emse
- Lametta Gemein
- Thomas Häßel
- Lars Johannsen
- Georg Kaßmann
- Louis Kurtzke
- Jan Malmström
- Anna Pape
- Leo Papenhausen
- Sophia Piacenza
- Paul Robaschik
- Lilian Witters
- Lennart Zenker