Evening of cooking

Hello to all cooking lovers and also to those who just like to eat:)

On June 11th we offer a cozy evening of cooking starting at 6.30 p.m. You can choose between two simple, but very tasty meals (if you need a English translation of the recipe please write to oeff@fsmath.uni-bonn.de), which we will then prepare together via Zoom (https://uni-bonn.zoom.us/j/91679813044?pwd=cU4vSVdjV05NMU8rZUduZU5wVVhmUT09). You can of course change the ingredients and quantities as you wish. In addition we want to prepare a dessert and in the end eat everything prepared together.

We look forward to seeing you!

Your Student Council Event Department

PS: the recipes can be found on the german website (Kochabend - Webpräsenz der Fachschaft für Mathematik der Uni Bonn (uni-bonn.de))

Location: Zoom

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