Tea Time for Women in Mathematics (Master Erstis)

??Hey everyone! ??
We hope you settled in well at uni Bonn and have already got to know your fellow students. If you’re interested in meeting especially women* in different parts of their university career and learn more about studying here in Bonn while sipping a cup of tea and enjoying some biscuits, the freshwomen tea time is the right occasion to do just that. The event takes place on Wednesday the 18th of October from 4 to 7 pm in the “Zeichensaal” at Wegelerstraße 10. The “Tea Time for Women in Mathematics” is a series of events organized by the gender equality committee of the Mathematics department of Bonn. Its goal is to give women* in mathematics the opportunity to network. There are events with presentations about a wide range of topics and discussions or ones where you can just chat in a relaxed atmosphere like this time. Like at any tea time all female, intersexual, non-binary, trans and agender persons are invited. The expression “women*” is also to be understood this way. Feel free to come for the whole three hours or just stop by for a quick cup of tea. Either way, we are excited to meet you! ??
If you want to know more about what we do, you can find all information on our website: https://www.hcm.uni-bonn.de/en/opportunities/gender-equality-and-diversity/tea-time-with-women-in-mathematics/

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