Tea Time "(Re)claiming your space"

Hello everyone,
the next Tea Time will take place on the 6th of December from 4 to 6pm in the Lipschitzsaal. This time the topic is “(Re)claiming your space”. We want to discuss in which specific situations gender changes our experience as mathematicians and how to react when encountering such situations that affect us negatively.
At the beginning of the event, we have invited Oana Padurariu and Paula Truöl (both MPIM) to share their thoughts in a discussion about their personal experiences and strategies.
Afterwards we will discuss specific scenarios and possible reactions in smaller groups. Scenarios can be discussed in an abstract manner or even role-played. You can contribute scenarios that you would like to discuss either at the event or at the link below until the 4th of December.
We will end the event with relaxed discussions over tea and cookies as usual.
The event will be primarily in English but there will be a German group for the scenarios. All female, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender persons are invited.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Link to contribute scenarios: https://forms.gle/S6uJRqN8jtTwSfgV9

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