Overview Repetitorial Courses

Dear students,

This semester the Fachschaft is once again organizing revision courses for the second phase of the exams.

This semester we are offering the following events:


Lecture Repetutor Dates Time Place Remarks Links
Ana I Elbrus Mayer 17.03 - 21.03 13:00 - 18:00 Großer Hörsaal   https://uni-bonn.sciebo.de/s/cV9kXOrQ2SDQDpo
LA I Monika Zakrzewska 10.03 - 14.03 13:00 - 18:00 Hörsaal 2, Chemie

Starts at 12:40 on the 11th.

The second half takes place in Hörsaal 1 in Chemie on the 13th.

AlMa I Elbrus Mayer 03.03 - 07.03 13:00 - 18:00 Großer Hörsaal   https://uni-bonn.sciebo.de/s/cV9kXOrQ2SDQDpo
GdM I Emma Marenbach 19.03 - 22.03 10:00 - 16:00 Kleiner Hörsaal

The Repetitorial takes place 11:00 - 17:00 on the 19th.

EinfAlg Elbrus Mayer 10.03-14.03 11:00 - 16:00 SR 0.006   https://uni-bonn.sciebo.de/s/cV9kXOrQ2SDQDpo
W'Theo Matthias Nohl 17.03 - 21.03 10:00 - 15:00 Zeichensaal   https://uni-bonn.sciebo.de/s/DWMAQ3hQLpvbped
Topo I Yordan Toshev 17.03 - 21.03 13:00 - 18:00 SR 1.008   https://uni-bonn.sciebo.de/s/84otFLMqpHhZkZv
PDE & FA André Guimarães 24.02 - 27.02 10:00 - 16:30 Kleiner Hörsaal  


(only the Topo I and PDE & FA courses will be held in English)